Katerina Petkanopoulou

Principal Investigator
Katerina Petkanopoulou is an assistant professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Crete. Her main research interests are intergroup relations, social identity, political psychology, and emotion. Much of her research is about the social-psychological consequences of power asymmetries and inequalities. She is also interested in the social-psychological processes and the factors that explain people’s participation in collective action and support for policies that aim to redress inequality. She is the PI of the REACT project.

Artemis-Margarita Griva

Postdoc Researcher
Artemis-Margarita Griva is a post-doctoral researcher in the REACT project. Her research interests include the sociocultural aspects of government policies, the social psychology of identity, and power asymmetries. In the REACT project she focuses on understandings of economic inequality, especially in terms of injustice and meritocracy.

Anastasia Zisakou

Postdoc Researcher
Anastasia Zisakou is a postdoctoral researcher in Social Psychology. Her current research interests lie at the intersection of citizenship, migration, and social integration. In the REACT project, she focuses on the various ways in which representations of economic inequality and meritocracy are constructed through discourse.

Konstantinos-Christos Daoultzis

Postdoc Researcher
Konstantinos Christos Daoultzis is a post-doc researcher at Panteio University of Social and Political Sciences. His research interests include the sociopsychological processes associated with inequality and power relations, particularly on gender and sexual identities. In the REACT project he focuses on the effect of economic inequality on several aspects of social identity.

Filyra Vlastou-Dimopoulou

PhD researcher
Filyra Vlastou-Dimopoulou is a social psychologist and PhD candidate in the field of human geography at NTUA in Greece & Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University in France (cotutelle). In the project REACT, she explored representations of economic inequalities in Greece through qualitative research. Her research interests focus on issues of migration, coexistence, diversity, and socio-spatial segregation.

Efraín García Sánchez

Postdoc Researcher
Efraín García Sánchez is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Granada (Spain). His research interests are on the social psychological processes related to economic inequality, system justifying ideologies, and attitudes toward redistribution policies. In the REACT project he focuses on the relationship between threat related to economic inequality and support for redistribution.

Rosa Rodriguez-Bailon

Advisory Board
Rosa Rodriguez-Bailon is a professor in Social Psychology at the University of Granada (Spain). Her research interests are on economic and power disparities, social cognition, stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. She is member of the advisory board of the REACT project.

Guillermo B. Willis

Advisory Board
Guillermo B. Willis is an assistant professor of Social psychology at the University of Granada (Spain). His research mainly examines the effects of economic inequality on several psychological processes, such as individualism, status competition, and sense of control. He is member of the advisory board of the REACT project.